To Know Christ &
Welcome to Southside
To Know Christ &
To Make Him Known
Watch online or visit in-person this Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Watch online or visit in-person this Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Our Vision
"Where there is no vision (redemptive revelation of God) the people perish..." Proverbs 28:18a

To Know Christ

Connecting the Body

To make Him Known
Our Vision
"Where there is no vision the people perish..." Proverbs 28:18a

To Know Christ

Connecting the Body

To make Him Known
At Southside, there are many opportunities for believers to connect with other believers: one-on-one discipleship, missions, Women's and Men's ministries are some of the ways you can connect with the Body of Christ. The purpose? To Make HIM Known!
SBC Vision:
At Southside, there are many opportunities for believers to engage with other believers: life groups, children's and youth ministry, and discipleship are just some of the ways you can connect with the Body of Christ. The purpose? To Make HIM Known!
To make him known
To accomplish this goal, we strive for every believer to grow, to be encouraged, and to be equipped - all for the glory of God! Each believer has been given unique God-given talents and interests. So, come visit Southside and Get Connected, so that you can be a part of what God is doing with His church on the corner!
To help you understand SBC better take a look at the answers to the most commonly asked questions.
SBC Vision:
To make him known
Making Him known should be the natural outworking of growing in your faith. To accomplish this, SBC strives to see everyone grow, encouraged, and equipped - all for the glory of God! Each believer has been given unique God-given talents and gifts. Come visit and Get Connected, so that you can be a part of what God is doing with His church on the corner!
To help you understand SBC better take a look at the answers to the most commonly asked questions.
Visit us
In Person or Watch Online
Weekly Schedule
9:00 am Life Groups
10:30 am Morning Worship
10:30 am Morning Worship
5:00 pm Fellowship Dinner
6:15 Children and Youth
6:30 pm Corporate Worship
6:15 Children and Youth
6:30 pm Corporate Worship