Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13

Opportunities to Connect

Men Ready - Sundays @ 6:00pm (restarting in September)
Please join us on Sunday night at 6:00pm as we explore The Pursuit; a video-driven discipleship curriculum designed to empower men to become who God created them to be.
The Pursuit challenges men to model their lives and their manhood after Jesus. The goal is simple: if we are to become the men God intends us to be, we must pattern our lives after the example set by God when he became a man.
The Pursuit challenges men to model their lives and their manhood after Jesus. The goal is simple: if we are to become the men God intends us to be, we must pattern our lives after the example set by God when he became a man.
Outdoorsman Dinner - First Monday of the Month at 7:00pm
You do not have to be a hunter or fisherman to enjoy this time together. Please join us the first Monday of each month for a time of great food, fellowship, and studying God's Word together.