
What to Expect When you Come


What to Expect When you Come


We're glad you are interested in Southside and we look forward to having you as our guest. Please fill out the Connect Card, and we will be happy to answer your questions.  If you want to know more, please click the button below.

When you Arrive

You will be welcomed by someone at the door to greet you and help you locate your destination whether Nursery, the SBC Cove, Life Group, or Worship. Please feel free to ask a greeter or Welcome Desk attendant any question you may have, and they will be pleased to help out. 
A typical service will last about 70 minutes. We sing a mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Feel free to hang around after the service for fellowship and to meet new people.


Our goal is to partner with parents to produce spiritually mature adults. We encourage families to participate in SBC Kids and S.O.L.D.I.E.R. Student Ministry during the Life Group hour. After Life Groups, there is a morning worship service for nursery, preschool, and K5 - 5th grade. 
Youth, also known as the S.O.L.D.I.E.R. Student Ministry, meet upstairs for life groups where they fellowship, play a little Foosball, and listen to music. About 9:30, they break into groups for a time of bible study.  
We'd love to know more about you. When you have a minute, please fill out a Connect Card. They are available at the Welcome Desk or from an usher, or if you are online you can fill it out below. We will then contact you with a gift and information about our church.


We're glad you are interested in Southside and we look forward to having you as our guest. Please fill out the Connect Card, and we will be happy to answer your questions.  If you want to know more, please click the button below.

When You Arrive

You will be welcomed by someone at the door to greet you and help you locate your destination whether Nursery, the SBC Kid's Cove, Life Group, or Worship. Please feel free to ask a greeter or Welcome Desk attendant any question you may have, and they will be pleased to help. Click here for our location.

What to Expect

A typical service will last about 70 minutes. We sing a mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Feel free to hang around after the service for fellowship and to meet new people.
Children of all ages from nursery up through 5th grade begin Sundays at 9:00 am. When you visit, you will register your child into SBC Kids which is a secured area with workers who have been Care Certified. During the Worship hour at 10:30 am, the children (K5 - 5th grade) have their own Worship time in the "Cove."
Youth Student Ministry meets upstairs for life groups where they fellowship, play a little Foosball, and listen to music. About 9:30, they break into groups for a time of bible study.
When you have a minute, please fill out a Connect Card. This will allow us to get to know who you a little better. We will then contact you with information about our church. The Connect Card can be filled out online or gotten by an usher or at the Welcome Desk.

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

9:00am - Life Groups / Sunday School
10:30am - Worship Service

Wednesday Evening

5:00pm - Fellowship Dinner
6:15pm - SBC Kids & SOLDIER Students
6:30 - Adult Bible Study

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

9:00am - Life Groups / Sunday School
10:30am - Worship Service

Wednesday Evening

5:00pm - Fellowship Dinner
6:15pm - SBC Kids & SOLDIER Students
6:30 - Adult Bible Study

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

9:00am - Life Groups / Sunday School
10:30am - Worship Service

Wednesday Evening

5:00pm - Wednesday Night Meal
6:15pm - SBC Kids & SOLDIER Students
6:30 - Adult Bible Study