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Southside Missions

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

- Matthew 28:19

Meet our Missionary Partners


The Kimmer Family

West Africa
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The Effler Family

West Africa
Jeremy traveled to West Africa in 2011 on a short term mission trip. He saw many great needs, both spiritually and physically, and was never the same. When Jeremy's wife, Jessie, returned to Africa with him in 2012, they knew that the Lord was calling them to a small West African country.  In July of 2017 they moved to West Africa with their family to serve on the field full time. Jeremy and Jesse along with Friends in Action International to partner with church planters in villages where there is limited or no access to clean water and drill water wells. With 1040 Visions, they work alongside local pastors, lay leaders, and believers to plant churches. By living life everyday life with those around them, they have opportunities to disciple, teach and live out the gospel message.

The Witt Family

Kenya, Africa
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Asia & Oceana

The Chappell Family

Bangkok, Thailand
Martin and Carrie Chappell along with their family moved to Southeast Asia in 1999 as International Mission Board (IMB) missionaries to work in a restricted access country.  In 2002, they relocated to Bangkok, Thailand for Martin to serve as the senior pastor of a local church which later became Calvary International Baptist Church to reflect the diverse believers in their church from around the world.  If you would like to come alongside the mission of Martin and Carrie through financial support, please use the link below.

The Earwaker Family

South Asia
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The Timoti Family

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Unreached People Group
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North & South America

The Russell Family


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The Goodrich Family

La Paz, Mexico

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Supply and Multiply


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The Church's Responsibility

The church, made up of the body of believers, has been commissioned to also proclaim the Gospel to all nations. It aids believers to proclaim the gospel individually and corporately so that all will hear about and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Believers Responsibility

Each believer, motivated by the love of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, is called to proclaim the gospel, God's grace given for all, to Suffolk, to Virginia, to the United States, and to the world.

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom on one of our upcoming mission trips

You can encourage our active missionaries

Write a message, send scripture, ask a question, or tell them you are praying for these missionaries as they share the gospel with many who have never heard the name of Jesus.